Struktur Komunitas Rotifera di Danau Hanjalutung, Palangka Raya, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

Muhammad Badjoeri, Yustiawati Yustiawati


Community Structure of Rotifers in Lake Hanjalutung, Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan Province. Lake Hanjalutung is an oxbow lake that located in the Rungan watershed in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan Province. This lake has potential fishery resources. Rotifers are zooplankton that plays an essential role in the food chain of the lake ecosystem. This study aims to reveal the composition and structure of the Rotifers community in Lake Hanjalutung. The research is expected to provide scientific information and limnological data on an oxbow lake that is useful for the future development and management of Lake Hanjalutung. The zooplankton samples were collected vertically from the bottom to the water surface using a zooplankton net in the rainy season (April) and dry season (October) in 2016 at six sampling points. The zooplankton was identified up to the genus level. Water quality parameters were measured by water quality checker Horiba U-53G. The community structure was analyzed by calculating the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H'), the Simpson dominance index (D), and the Evenness index (E). The results found that the 15 genera of Rotifers were evenly distributed (E = 0.35–0.46), and no dominant species was found (D = 0.08–0.19) in either the rainy or dry season. The average density of Rotifers in the rainy season (33 individuals/L) was higher than in the dry season (18 individuals/L). The diversity index (H') ranged 2.02–2.59 (rainy season) and 1.73–2.36 (dry season). Thus, the community and species diversity of Rotifers in Lake Hanjalutung are in the moderate category. The water quality of the lake is entirely reasonable to support zooplankton life.


Hanjalutung Lake; community structure; Rotifers; zooplankton

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