Kinerja Reproduksi Induk Ikan Bada Rasbora argyrotaenia (Bleeker, 1849) Melalui Pemberian Kombinasi Estradiol dan Spirulina dalam Pakan

Ira Akhdiana, Muhammad Zairin Jr., Gadis Sri Haryani, Muhammad Agus Suprayudi


Reproductive Performance of Bada Fish Rasbora argyrotaenia (Bleeker, 1849) Through Combination of Estradiol and Spirulina in Feed. Bada fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia) is a type of fish from Lake Maninjau, West Sumatra, which has high economic value. Efforts to increase the reproductive ability of Bada broodstock were carried out by improving the quality of the feed through the addition of nutrients and hormonal stimulation to fish feed. This study aimed to improve the reproductive performance of female Bada broodstock by providing a combination of the estradiol-17 hormone and spirulina in the feed. The treatments tested in this study included control feed without the addition of the estradiol-17 hormone and spirulina (P0), the addition of the estradiol-17 hormone at 7 g/kg of feed (P1), the addition of spirulina at 30 g/kg of feed (P2), and the addition of a combination of estradiol17 hormone and spirulina at 7 g/kg feed and 30 g/kg feed, respectively (P3). This experimental study used a completely randomized design method with four treatments and four replications. The relative fecundity value was calculated by comparing the number of eggs and the weight of the brood fish. Fecundity value was obtained by the gravimetric method. The results showed that the relative fecundity was 730–1,126 eggs/kg brood weight, the degree of fertilization was 80.91–92.90%, and the hatching rate was 59.7–84.0%. The value of the gonadal development index increased along with the rate of gonadal development due to the process of oocyte development which caused the size of the ovaries to increase in the female fish. The relative fecundity values in the experiments P2 and P3 were higher than those in P0 and P1. This is because the increase in vitellogenin synthesis was followed by an increase in the number of oocytes that will absorb the vitellogenin. This study proves that the addition of the estradiol17 hormone and spirulina into the feed can improve the reproductive ability and egg quality of Bada fish.

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