Status Pencemaran Situ Gunung Putri di Kabupaten Bogor Berdasarkan Metode STORET dan Indeks Pencemaran

Mira Aristawidya, Zahidah Hasan, Iskandar Iskandar, Yustiawati Yustiawati, Heti Herawati


Gunung Putri pond located in Bogor Regency functions as water reservoir, agricultural irrigation, fisheries activities, as well as domestic and industrial waste disposal sites. Human activities around the pond are thought to cause a decrease in the physical, chemical and biological qualities of the pond water. Therefore, research on the pollution status needs to be carried out for the management of pond water resources. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of Gunung Putri pond pollution as measured by the physical and chemical parameters of its waters. The study was conducted from February to March 2019. The methods used in determining the status of pollution were the STORET method and the Pollution Index (IP). The results of water quality measurements carried out in the field were compared with water quality standards, and were used in determining the status of pollution according to each method. Both methods produce different water quality status for each station, with the STORET method score ranging -20–0 and the Pollution Index score ranging 0.31–3.92. The STORET method more accurately explained the pollution conditions in Gunung Putri pond and showed that the water was in mild to moderate polluted conditions. Based on the two methods used, the highest pollution status was found at Stations 3 and 5. Organic material with high content was suspected as the cause of pollution because the most dominant water quality parameter in determining pollution status was COD. Therefore, Gunung Putri pond cannot support fishery activities because the water quality parameters of COD and DO at Stations 3 and 5 do not meet the water quality standards for the class II and III waters based on the Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001. Industrial, domestic, and agricultural wastes entering the waters of Gunung Putri pond contribute to the pollution of the aquatic environment which can be seen from the high COD value.


Water quality; STORET method, Pollution index method

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